6 Easy Ways to Improve Your Gut Health

Your body contains over 40 trillion bacteria, and most of these reside in your gut—the same place that holds about 70 percent of your body’s immune system. Managing these bacteria can be a tough job, but it’s a worthy one. Poor gut health is related to a variety of health issues, both physical and mental. An imbalance of gut bacteria can play a role in serious diseases and health consequences, including:

• Diabetes
• Autoimmune disorders
• Depression
• Arthritis
• Fatigue
• Eczema

…and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

7 Easy Ways to Improve Your Gut Health - Gut Microbiome

What are the symptoms of an unhealthy gut?

How do you know if your gut health has been compromised? There are a few symptoms to be on the lookout for. If you’re dealing with digestive issues like gas, bloating, and diarrhea more often than not, your gut may be struggling. Food allergies and sensitivities, skin problems like rosacea, frequent infections, and poor memory or concentration are also symptoms of compromised gut function.

Luckily, there are a variety of ways to improve your gut health. Incorporate the following six strategies into your daily life—your gut will reap the benefits.

1. Get Some Sleep
Lack of sleep plays into almost every malady, and ensuring your body gets the right amount of rest each night can make all the difference. Head to bed an hour earlier, and make sure to keep electronics out of the bedroom—yup, no more Instagramming before bedtime. The better sleep you get, the better off your gut will be, so make sleep a priority in 2018.

2. Add Fermented Foods to Your Grocery List
Fermented foods are an important component of a healthy digestive system. These beneficial foods contain good bacteria that help bolster your microbiome—the mass of bacteria, viruses, yeast, and fungi that live inside your gut. Put these fermented foods on your grocery list and make them a regular part of your everyday diet:

• Kefir
• Yogurt
• Sauerkraut
• Kimchi
• Kombucha
• Miso

7 Easy Ways to Improve Your Gut Health - Fermented Foods

3. Add a Health Supplement to Your Dietary Routine
Your gut is teeming with bacteria, most of which are good; unfortunately, bad bacteria makes its way in your microbiome as well. Replenishing and encouraging growth of existing beneficial bacterium can be accomplished through the addition of a digestive health supplement. Companies like Zacol offer health supplements that send butyric acid and inulin directly to the colon, helping give your digestive tract an added boost. For anti-aging support, this website features Active Advantage reviews so you can read up on the supplement’s benefits.

4. Banish Artificial Sweeteners
Artificial sweeteners like Aspartame, Saccharin, and Sucralose can wreck your digestive health and cause your gut harm. Recent research has shown that artificial sweeteners can boost sugar intolerance, making it hard to control blood sugar levels. Beyond these consequences, artificial sweetener can increase the level of gut microbes that are directly correlated to metabolic disease and obesity. Navigate to https://rootine.co/ and understand enormous details.

5. Kick Processed Foods to the Curb
Processed foods offer next to nothing in nutrition, and they’re chock full of ingredients and chemicals that encourage the bad bacteria in your gut to grow exponentially. Steer clear of processed foods and focus on incorporating whole foods into your diet. Vegetables, fruits, potatoes, and organic, grass-fed meats are the way to go for gut health—consider getting healthy meals delivered through a company like Territory Foods.

6. Stay Hydrated
It’s easier to get dehydrated than you might think, and keeping your digestive system in proper working order requires plenty of water. Staying hydrated is one of the best (and easiest!) ways to improve gut health. Your urine should remain a light straw color all day long; if you notice it’s taken on a darker golden hue, grab your water bottle. Invest in a HydroFlask to keep on your desk at the office—with water in reach, you’re much more likely to sip continuously throughout the day.

The journey to a healthy gut is made easy with the right tips and strategies on your side. Consider incorporating the abovementioned daily habits and give your gut a boost in the right direction.

Published: 2018-01-19 20:51:30
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