Aqiva Milk on Fighting the Diet Shift in Children

The Threat of the “Diet Shift”
The “Diet Shift” phase occurs to children ages 4-7, when they prefer to eat unhealthy food. Other moms would easily give in, thinking that eating something unhealthy is better than not eating at all. In my case, I find creative ways in preparing food to motivate good eating habits and give him the right supplements to keep him in tiptop shape. Read my story here: Feeding Tips for Toddlers
Children may become easily tempted to eat unhealthy food because of their fun and exciting appearance, flavors, colors, and textures. But parents need to focus on their children’s food choices to encourage growth and development and prevent malnutrition.
Aqiva Milk by Wyeth Nutrition addresses this concern and partners with moms to help ensure proper nutrition for their children. Aqiva recently launched “Food Talk“, an event that helped educate mothers about the threat of the Diet Shift, and provided them with empowering solutions for them to conquer this phase.

AQIVA Milk Food Talk Logo

Celebrity mom and TV host Mikee Cojuangco-Jaworski led the mom-to-mom discussions and shared, “I have three boys, and my youngest, Renzo, is four years old. I noticed that Renzo is starting to prefer unhealthy food staples such as French fries and ice cream. I know people expect me to know how to teach Renzo to eat healthy because I’ve already experienced this with my other two boys. But the truth is, it’s not easy. It’s always a different challenge with each kid when it comes to mealtimes.”


Child and health experts also shed light on the questions of moms and guests regarding the cause, threats, and ways of dealing with the Diet Shift. “It is normal for a child to go through a Diet Shift, as experimenting with new food, and developing tastes for new food, are all part of growing up. The problem is when the child gets exposed to more types of unhealthy food, and would start to prefer these over other food that are ideal for his age.” explained Dr. Benitez.
“Proper nutrition is needed, especially during the child’s growth and development years. This is when he needs most of the vitamins and nutrients, at the right levels. Unfortunately, this is the same time that the threat of the Diet Shift strikes, and gaps in nutrition may occur. It is essential at this stage to supplement at-risk nutrients in the child’s diet and nutrition,” says Ms. Callanta.
Celebrity Chef Jackie Laudico of Bistro Filipino also helped in teaching guests how to prepare their healthy meals that kids will enjoy. She encouraged moms to play with the three main elements – color, shape and texture – when preparing meals for children. “The best way to make children try healthy dishes is to make them interested in it. The food’s visual appeal helps in getting their attention, and eventually they would be willing to taste the healthy snack.” shared Chef Laudico.

Very Berry Pops. Cake pops made from camote cake and berries.

Very Berry Pops


Vegan Burger. Made from soy and grains with rice pilaf served with vegetable sticks and dips.

Vegan Burger


Kiddie Canapes. Whole wheat bread with cheese, veggies and grilled or baked fish and chicken, cut and sliced in interesting shapes.

Kiddie Canape

AQIVA milk for children helps supplement nutrients which may be at-risk or inadequate in a child’s diet. Formulated with A.Q.I. (Adequate, Quality and Important) Nutrients, it is packed with 40 ingredients including 25 essential nutrients, scientifically designed to support the child’s nutrition as parents teach them healthy eating habits, especially during the Diet Shift phase.


AQIVA Milk for Children

Published: 2013-04-08 10:30:00
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