12 Pro Tips for People Who Move Frequently

Moving isn’t easy to organize or pull off, especially if you’re relocating often. But, some people are frequently on the move, whether because of work, school, or simply because they enjoy the thrill of it. Whatever the reason for your life transitions may be, if you’re someone who moves a lot, there are some things you can do to make the process stress-free and a breeze for yourself. 




Without further ado, here are nine pro tips for people who move frequently:

1. Hire Professional Movers

Hiring professional movers will make your life much easier if you can afford it. They’ll do all the heavy lifting for you and help you get your belongings from one place to another safely.

However, if you move many times during a year and you often need to organize your move in a rush, you will probably benefit most from 24/7 moving services that will move you on a schedule that works for you on short notice.

So, suppose your company frequently moves you around, or is in the military and gets stationed somewhere new every few years. In that case, it’s worth looking into professional movers who can help make your life much easier.

2. Don’t Wait for the Last Minute to Start Packing


If you wait until the last minute to start packing your belongings, you’ll get stressed out and rush the process, which will make it much more likely that you’ll forget something important or pack things inefficiently.

It’s best to start packing a few days before your move date, so you have plenty of time to get everything done. This will also allow you to declutter and eliminate anything you don’t want to bring with you.


3. Carry Fewer Things

If you know that you will be moving around the country a lot, try to carry fewer of your items and look to rent homes that are already furnished.

For example, maybe you’ll always bring your bed and work desk with you but don’t really care about other household furniture. This will allow you to move more quickly and practically since you can hire a cargo van instead of a whole truck. Furthermore, you can rent storage units in different locations to store things you don’t need regularly but can’t bear to get rid of.


4. Keep Your Documents Organized

Other valuable things to keep track of when frequently moving are your essential documents. Ensure you always keep them organized in a safe place so you can easily find them when the time for another relocation comes.

This includes your passport, birth certificate, social security card, and other essential documentation. Keep them in a fireproof safe or scan them and make digital copies to keep in a secure cloud storage account. Better safe than sorry, right?


5. Change Your Address to a Single Place


If you move frequently, it can be a real hassle constantly having to keep changing your address with the post office and other organizations. Thankfully, there’s an easy way to do this.

You can use the USPS change of address service to have your mail forwarded to one place only, no matter where you are currently living. This will make it a lot easier to keep track of your mail and ensure you never miss out on anything important.


6. Keep a Moving Checklist at Hand

A moving checklist is an important item to have and to hold for anyone who moves frequently. Having one ready and close by will help you keep track of everything you need to do and ensure you don’t forget anything important when on the move.

Be sure it includes all the big tasks, like packing, hiring movers, and changing your address. But don’t overlook the more minor details either, such as transferring your utilities and canceling your gym membership.


7. Create a Home Away from Home

If you move around a lot, it’s important to create a personal space that feels like home, no matter where you are living. This can help you feel more settled and make the transition to each new place easier, as you’ll feel nested, wherever you are.

To do this, surround yourself with familiar items, such as photos of your family and friends, your favorite books, and cozy blankets. You can also try to decorate your space in a way that will cheer you up and make you feel more comfortable and “at home”.


8. Get to Know Your Neighbors


One of the best ways to feel at home in a new place is to get to know your neighbors. They can help you settle in and feel more connected to your new community and surroundings.

So, why not introduce yourself to the people who live next door and try to make some new friends? You can also attend events in your neighbourhood, like block parties or potlucks. And if you have kids, send them out to play with the other children in the area.


9. Join Local Clubs and Organizations

Another great way to get involved in your community and meet new people wherever you go is to join local clubs and organizations. This is a great way to find people with similar interests and make friends. Look for groups that align with your hobbies or passions. For example, if you like to read, join a book club. Or, if you’re into hiking, find a local hiking group.

If you are a member of a wider organization like Mensa or Red Cross, look up their local branches in your new place and connect.


10. Keep in Touch with Family and Friends

Moving around a lot can be tough on your relationships, so it’s vital to make an effort to stay in touch with all your loved ones. Call or video chat regularly, send emails or texts, and plan visits when possible. Send them photos or videos of interesting places you visit or people you meet, as this will help both of you feel like they’re right there with you and still a big part of your life.


11. Live in the Moment and Make the Most of Your Time


It can be easy getting caught up in the stress of moving and forget to enjoy the present moment. However, you’ll learn that time is a precious commodity when you move frequently. So, it’s important to make the most of it.

Make a conscious effort to live in the moment and appreciate all the good things in your life. Do the things that make you happy and help you relax. Savor the moments you share with people you love, pursue your hobbies, and take advantage of all the opportunities to travel and explore new places, as they might not come around again.


Make Each Move Count (and a Breeze)

Frequently moving can be challenging and take a toll on you, but luckily, there are ways to make it easier. Using a moving checklist, getting to know your neighbors, and joining local clubs and organizations are all great ways to feel more settled in new places. 

Make the most of your time by enjoying the present moment and savoring each opportunity you get to visit a new town or country. As tough as frequent relocating sometimes may seem, your reality might be someone’s dream.

Published: 2022-11-16 23:53:02
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