5 Secret Steps to Writing an Essay in Half the Time

The difficulty levels of an essay differ based on the topic, and this may require you to utilize different times to complete your paper. Regardless of the topic, you may have no choice but deliver the paper in lesser time than you are used to. However, you will also be required to provide a professional essay writing service to the client.

Therefore, if situations require that you write your essay in half the time, you may need to create a decent plan that will help you achieve the objective even if you do not have the time of sharpening your skills in writing fast. Here are five quick tips you can utilize so that you deliver your paper in half the designated time.

5 Secret Steps to Writing an Essay in Half the Time

1. Planning on the Time

Here, you need to identify the time that your paper should be ready. For instance, if you have to deliver the paper in 2 hours, you may consider 30 minutes outlining, 1 hour in writing the body of the paper, and 2o minutes for revising. This plan will ensure that you complete your essay in good time without delaying your client.

You may consider spending about one-fifth of the time you have to structure the essay, and at least half of the time shaping the body of your paper. You should always revise your paper to make appropriate corrections.

2. Consider Writing Key Sentences First

Basically, a good essay contains key sentences in every paragraph. The key sentences carry the major idea that the paragraph discusses. Therefore, you should write these sentences first, which ensures that you have a specific outline for your paper.

Be sure to make these sentences precise, strong, and are free of grammatical and spelling errors. This is helpful in ensuring that you do not spend much time thinking about what to write in a given paragraph.

3. Research Specific Information

If your essay requires you to perform research from external sources, ensure that you are more specific on the content and points you search. As such, it is highly advisable to ensure that you are searching for key concepts that are obviously useful for your essay. You should remain aware that your time is limited, and thus you should ensure that you are concise and brief in making your searches.

4. Read the Essay Questions Carefully and Understand Before Answering

Nothing can waste time like writing your essay only to realize that you did correctly respond to the essay question. Ensure that you carefully read your essay question and understand it before starting to answer it.

Try as much as possible to come up with some answer even before writing or researching. Being sure of what you are writing saves you time in writing your paper.

5. Consider Proofreading as You Write

Instead of taking time proofreading while you are already done writing the paper on a tight deadline, you may have to proofread as you write. Not everyone can have this skill but it surely saves you a great deal of time.

You are advised that after writing each paragraph or even sentence, check over it to ensure that it does not have typos, grammar, or spelling errors. However, this attribute does not mean that you should completely disregard proofreading after finishing writing. You may need to go through your essay to confirm its flow.

Writing your essay in half the time can be an uphill task, but it is really possible if you have the right mindset, skills, and determination to complete it. These tips are effective in ensuring that you write your essay in half the time, and you should, therefore, consider utilizing them. By using them, you may actually realize that you are better equipped to provide professional essay writing service

Published: 2019-04-29 12:08:32
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