Moving can be a real headache even if the destination is just across town. There’s so much planning, most of it having to do with scheduling the arrival of a moving truck, canceling utilities, and keeping the kids from freaking out. Moving also costs money, so it’s a great idea to find ways to save some during this period of time. More and more folks are realizing that designing an eco-friendly move can actually reduce costs while also keeping our good earth a bit greener.


Movers Manchester NH residents and business owners trust are those who seek to keep costs down as well. Everything from fuel consumption to waste material — mostly packing peanuts, bubble wrap, and corrugated cardboard — needs to be kept to a minimum without making for an unsafe experience. Both the consumer and the moving company can help the environment by following a few easy tips. If you’re moving across town or down the coast, here are a few things you can do.

It’s Time To Let Go

So many of us keep promising ourselves that we’ll get rid of items we no longer need, but instead of donating it or recycling it, we keep the item forever. Well, during the packing up for a move, now is the time to make some headway.

Furniture makes up a huge percentage of waste in our landfills. There’s nothing more annoying than seeing a box spring laying on top of a dumpster! Now is the time to donate that old bed, couch, or end table. There are plenty of outfits in town that will pick up these items for free. Remember that the second-hand stores will often come and take these items off your hands.

Get rid of those old books you won’t be reading anymore. A single visit to the half-price bookstore will solve this problem.

Toxic Stuff

Your garage probably has cans half-filled with paint or thinner. There’s probably an old car battery. These things are dangerous, but you can safely get rid of them before you move. Take them to a recycling center, and call the center ahead of time. If they don’t accept the item, they can tell you who will.

You can also take old electronic appliances to recovery centers. You old PC probably isn’t worth much, but the company that takes it off your hands knows how to safely dismantle and recycle it. The same is true for cords, plug-in cables, and conduit.

Reusable Storage Containers

Paper and cardboard are very easy to recycle, but it still costs money. Instead, rent plastic moving crates and boxes from your moving company. You can return them when you’ve arrived at your destination. In fact, you can call the moving truck to come back so that you can close your rental deal right in front of your new home.

Choose Your Moving Company Wisely

Most professional movers are already in on the green idea. Choose a relocation company that provides reusable moving containers. Look for information on the company website about low-emission trucks. These companies are looking to save money without having to raise their contract rates. Did you know that some moving companies even contact with storage facilities that are solar-powered?

Now That’s An Eco-Friendly Move

You’ll save money on the move because now you’re moving less stuff. You’ll give our planet a break if you choose an equally green freight line. When you arrive at your new home or place of business, unpacking will be easier because you’ve already recycled the stuff you don’t need. The local movers near me residents trust are those companies who think likewise.

Published: 2018-04-12 12:54:15
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