Skip the Chemicals! Here’s Why You Should Buy Clean Burning Candles

Are you looking for a healthier and more sustainable way to fragrance your home? Trading paraffin candles for eco-friendly alternatives is an easy switch that can make a big difference. Here’s why clean burning candles made from natural waxes like soy, beeswax, and coconut are worth investing in.


The Problem with Paraffin

Paraffin wax is a petroleum byproduct that makes up the majority of candles sold today. While it helps candles burn long and strong, paraffin wax releases potentially harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and soot into the air when lit. These emissions can aggravate asthma and have been linked to serious health issues like cancer. Paraffin is also non-renewable, unsustainable, and emits greenhouse gases during production. 


Skip the Chemicals Heres Why You Should Buy Clean Burning Candles


Why Coconut Wax is a Smart Alternative

If you want to skip the risky chemicals found in paraffin candles, switching to eco-friendly coconut wax candles is a savvy choice. Sourced from coconuts, this natural wax has many advantages:

  • Cleaner burn – Coconut wax candles release very little soot, meaning cleaner air in your home. The wax burns cooler than paraffin, producing less smoke.
  • Safer fragrance – Essential oils and other natural fragrances have lower VOC levels compared to synthetic paraffin candle scents.
  • Renewable and sustainable – Coconuts are abundant, and the wax production process generates minimal waste.
  • Customisable – Coconut wax blends well with other waxes and oils, allowing for bespoke candle making.
  • Long lasting – Well-made coconut wax candles often have excellent burn times of up to 50 hours.

So, if you want to avoid petrochemicals and create a toxin-free oasis at home, coconut is an eco-friendly paraffin alternative to brighten up your space.


Benefits of Burning Natural Wax Candles

Beyond the advantages of coconut wax, clean burning candles made from any natural wax have perks over paraffin. Here are five benefits of switching to eco-friendly candle options:

Support Eco-Conscious Brands

When you buy from ethical brands like Positively Glowing that use sustainable practices and natural ingredients, you vote with your wallet to support better candle-making.

Improved Indoor Air Quality

Beeswax, soy, palm, and other natural waxes release far fewer VOCs when burned compared to paraffin. This makes for fresher, healthier indoor air. Studies show exposure to VOCs can cause eye, nose, and throat irritations.

Safer for Your Health

The soot released by paraffin candles contains known carcinogens like toluene and benzene. Switching to cleaner burning eco-friendly candles with natural scents can help reduce health risks.

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

As a petroleum byproduct, paraffin wax has a heavy carbon footprint from production to shipping. Sustainable natural waxes like soy, palm, and beeswax have much lower impacts.

While paraffin candles may be ubiquitous, there are healthier and more sustainable options that burn clean. With benefits like cleaner indoor air, lower emissions, and natural customisable scents, eco-friendly soy, coconut, and beeswax candles are worth embracing. Small changes like switching out a few candles can reduce your health and environmental footprint over time. So, skip the chemicals and light up your life the natural way!

Published: 2023-11-23 18:26:15
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