The Top 3 Adventurous Pet Equipment Items to Try in 2019

We all love our furry little four-legged friends. Their undying loyalty and companionship have been treasured for time immemorial, and we have acknowledged them as our very own best friends.

Most of us consider pets as integral parts of our lives. We have even gone to great lengths and treat them as part of our individual families. So it’s not unusual for us to consider them as part of our activities, itineraries, and our daily lives.

For those who are pet lovers and at the same time have the heart of an adventurer, you might be considering your pet on your next excursion, especially if your cutesy friend shares the same adventurous spirit as you.

But having the heart is not enough. You also need outdoor protective equipment for your pet (and you as well), such as the ones sold by the Finnish company Hurtta. They sell outdoor equipment for all sizes and breeds.

Top 3 Adventurous Pet Equipment Items to Try in 2019


If you’re down with having some fun and thrills with your pet, here are the must-haves for your pet you shouldn’t miss. Before we start with this list, it would be a good idea to consider a good pet health insurance in order to keep your beloved pet healthy at all times!

1. Life Jackets and Swimmers

When you’re going somewhere with close proximity to the cold and water, or even planning some swim and sail with your pet, you should consider swimming-related safety equipment.

This will ensure that your pet has adequate protection against the elements such as cold, rain, and snow, and from the dangers of drowning and hypothermia, not to mention that such equipment will make them warm and comfortable despite harsh environments.

Despite the adequacy of the protection it offers, it should still allow your beloved pet to move unrestrained and with a degree of freedom freely. It should not limit him or her from going wherever he or she pleases. A good life jacket should not also be physically hurting your pet and causing discomfort.

Lastly, said life jacket must be brightly-colored such that it makes your pet easily visible in land and on water.

2. Cooling Vests

For the warm and hot summer days when the sun’s out and shining brightly, your pet should have the right equipment as well. Our friends lose heat differently as they don’t sweat like us, so they need another way to cool down and dissipate heat to make them comfortable and away from sickness.

Cooling vests and cooling harnesses make use of water cooling technology to cool down your pet. It consists of a mechanism that stimulates sweating when you soak it in water.

3. GPS Collar

Your pet is a natural wanderer by design. If you’re the type who likes to go into the wild and allow your pet to stroll around, you will want to ensure that you can still find him easily. A GPS collar is probably expensive, but it’s your insurance if you wish your pet not to get lost. Good GPS collars make use of satellite technology that allows the triangulation of position, even if cell signals are weak, typically within a multiple miles radius.

Published: 2019-02-19 20:06:53
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