Work From Home Tips for Productivity and Well-Being

The recent pandemic has left most of us transitioning from going to the office every day to spending more time in our houses. In fact, according to Review 42, 55% of businesses globally offer some capacity for remote work and 99% of remote workers want to continue telecommuting in the future. It’s clear that remote work and work-from-home are here to stay as the pandemic eases.

Since working from home is becoming notably common, here are tips on how to maximize your productivity in a work-from-home setting. 


Work From Home Tips for Productivity and Well-Being


Keep a Dedicated Workspace

Working in the living or even in the bedroom is not a good idea because you can easily coop up on your bed or couch. I recommend initially choosing a random spot to work and then gauging your level of productivity so you can decide if you want that place to be your working area.

It’s best that you have a designated work area or home office space so you don’t need to spend the extra minutes of your time setting up your stuff for work. A spare room in the house converted into a home office is the best option if you’re remotely working. If you don’t have a spare room, try checking empty corners and nooks wherein you can quietly work and finish your tasks for the day.

It would be a hassle to work at home if you have internet connectivity and accessibility issues, so make sure that your internet connection is reliable in your home office. Opt for high-speed options such as Starlink Internet Plans. This can be a particularly good option for rural areas or areas where choice is limited too.


Set a Work Schedule

Having been working remotely for almost a decade now, I can advise that setting a daily routine is important, and that includes your work schedule. Unlike in an actual office setting, working in the comfort of your own home makes completing tasks more difficult. Why? There are no rules, no policies, and definitely more distractions. Knowing what time of the day you focus best and making a few adjustments with your other house chores, you can make a schedule that will work for you. 


Make Rules for Family Members

When you have a spouse and kids that you share the house with, it’s essential that they know your working hours. Mention that during your work hours you should never be bothered. This also means assigning some of your responsibilities to them.


Move to a New Home

If you’ve exhausted all your efforts yet you are still struggling to find the perfect work-from-home experience for you, maybe you should consider moving into a new home. It would only take a few tedious months but if you feel like you have found a place wherein you can comfortably do remote work in a more productive way, that would be beneficial for the long haul.

You can always go to the nearest coffee shop or spend hours in a coworking space, but that would not be practical in the long run. Since remote work and work-from-home have been normalized nowadays, you can just do it in your own house as long as you have a reliable internet connection.

Of course, you need to decide on a few factors when buying a new home, along with your dream home office space– design, location, price, etc. You may begin to calculate your payment and estimate your monthly payments so you won’t go over your budget. When it comes to estimating a property’s affordability, you may use this online calculator to help you decide:


My next blog post would be about tips on how to minimize distractions at home while you work and how social media has become a major distraction to remote workers.

Published: 2022-05-04 20:58:22
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