6 Biggest Impacts Sleep Can Have On An Athlete’s Performance

When talking about sports or athletic performance, we are mainly talking about how well a player can move or sprint faster when ding a score. But do we know that sleep often plays an important rule in an athlete’s performance as sleep affects the player’s muscle, nervous system, motor skills and also the metabolism as well? We should because these are all very critical organism of a humans body. So here are the 6 biggest impacts sleep can have on an athlete’s performance.

6 Biggest Impacts Sleep Can Have On An Athlete’s Performance

1. Improved body movement

As players or athletes, the first thing we want to focus on is developing the quick reaction time and fluid body movements which is necessary any sports that require a lot of running or sprinting. Now obviously getting enough sleep for athletes are required because when we sleep our torn and word out muscles recover from it. It is how we generate the necessary speed and strength in sports

2. Reduced injury rates

There has been a long debate on whether sleep has negative or a positive effect on a player. But in recent studies, it has been coming out that young players who are not getting enough sleep and resting less than 8 hours in are reporting more minor injuries happening to them. Though in long run sleep for athletes is often thought to be a passive reason for the decline of the performance as well.

3. Elaborating the career

It is every player’s dream to elaborate their career as long as possible. How do you develop on your career and play longer? The answer is really quite simple. You already know what it is- it is really easy, and all you got to do is sleep a little bit extra. Its sounds fun, right? Vince Lombardi once said about sleep for athletes that fatigue makes a coward of us all.

He is not entirely of the base from what a lot of studies have shown in recent years with fatigue and lack testosterone in the player. So sleep is directly correlated to longtime athletic performance.

4. Sprint faster with better form

Now the secret of how to sprint faster by using your existing stamina and strength is to sleeping more and sleeping better. As sleeping relax and recovers your muscles soreness from the previous game and increase the amount of oxygen is being reached to the brain and the muscles.

The increase of oxygen pumps the muscle as well and the body naturally grows muscles Even with the strength training sleep plays a huge part as their routines and lifestyle often the same mantra of working out harder and recovering with enough sleep. It is that simple.

5. Improved mind-muscle connection

Improving the mental skills it’s no different than learning the fundamental for a sport. To learn the basics of many mental skills like meditation or being more mindfulness, a better sleep cycle is often required because of better sleep allows the mind to relax and go beyond the body it inhabits and increase the awareness of the body. Which significantly improves the mind-muscle connection of the athletes.

6. Memory and learning

Sleep is also able to impact our learning capabilities and the creation of new memory as well. If we need to learn something new that includes motor skills and our memory, it also happens when we sleep. Sleep a improves our muscle memories and new memories forms during the sleep. it has been proved to reorganize our memories. It is why we see dreams.


For every one of us, sleep plays the most vital role on our well being. This applies for all the top-notch and aspiring players as well. Sleep affects muscle recuperation, muscle glycogen, memory and learning, injury rates and many more. Whether it will be positive or negative will depend entirely on you.

Published: 2018-10-24 20:46:47
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