How Often Should Whole House Water Filters Be Changed?

It’s easy to take the water that comes from your tap for granted. You turn it on and always get a stream of clear water. You’re probably aware that it goes through an extensive cleaning process at the water treatment plant.

But, what you may not realize is that between the water leaving the plant and it arriving at your home, it can pick up debris and bacteria. That’s on top of the chemicals which are put into the water by the treatment process.

On you understand this the question you really need to consider is whether to invest in an under sink water filter, or a whole house system.

How Often Should Whole House Water Filters Be Changed

The Difference

The fundamental difference is that a whole house water filter system will ensure you have clean, filtered water, at every faucet in your home. The under sink option gives you this at just one point in your home.

You don’t have to be Einstein to see the benefits in having filtered water at every faucet in your home:

• Convenience
When you want or need a glass of water in the middle of the night, you’re not going to want to head down to the kitchen, when you could get the filtered water from the en-suite bathroom.
A whole house filter system makes it convenient to get water whenever you need it.

• Allergies
Many people suffer from allergies, one that is often not thought about but surprisingly common is the reaction to exposure to chlorine. It can cause respiratory issues.
If anyone in your home has issues with asthma the water quality can affect them; a whole house filter will eliminate the issue.

• Safety
If debris or bacteria get into the pipes you’ll not know until it is too late. At that point, you’ll have ingested the contaminated water and may have signed your own death warrant.
Using a whole house water system can prevent this from happening and give you peace of mind.

How Often To Change Whole House Water Filter

Now that you’ve decided the whole house option is the best one for you and your family, you’ll need to understand what maintenance is required, specifically; how often do you need to change the water filter.

The answer is surprisingly simple.

Your sediment filter should be changed every 3-6 months. As soon as the water flow starts to reduce and/or the water starts to look darker in color; it’s time to replace the filters.
You can’t replace this too often but you can render it an ineffective option if you leave it too long between filter changes.

It’s a good idea to always keep a spare filter at home; just in case. You should also mark your calendar, electronically or with an old-fashioned pen; this will help to ensure you replace the filter on time; according to your personal schedule.

Of course, the amount of water you use will affect how long the filter can wait until it needs changing; monitoring this will help you to establish a pattern and create a filter changing schedule that works.

Published: 2019-03-03 11:19:10
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