How to Be Truly Happy

So many people today are desperately in search of happiness. In their pursuit, they find themselves indulging in various habits they think will bring them the fulfillment they need. But when they feel like they have their shot at happiness, it slips through their fingers. In the end, they feel emptier than they’ve ever felt; Too hollow inside to even describe with words.

Perhaps, your quest for happiness isn’t for yourself. You may be trying to help a friend who is slowly drifting away from your reach or a child who is showing the warning signs of adolescent depression. In this article, you’ll discover how to be free from sadness and find true happiness.


How to Be Truly Happy


1.  Listen to Your Inner Guide

Your internal source of wisdom can guide you through life and help you attain the happiness you desire. One of the best ways to connect with yourself is through meditation. Take a break from the hustle and bustle of life and find a quiet place to sit down and listen to your inner guide. This will help you shut out the critical voice in your mind or the noise of other people’s opinions to truly hear your inner guiding system.

When you find your quiet place, ask your inner guide for direction and listen for clear answers. It comes as a calm voice that you’ll immediately recognize once you hear it. This practice will help you cleanse your thoughts and discover a deep abundance of knowledge, wisdom, and peace. In Marcus Aurelius’s words, ”The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.”


2.  Choose to Be Happy

You should make a conscious decision to be happy. Empower yourself in any circumstance, whether it’s a job, relationship, or a challenge, and counter any thinking pattern that has created worry, doubt, confusion, or fear in your mind. According to Mahatma Gandhi, ”Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”

Making this conscious choice will strengthen your capacity to be happy and open you up to endless possibilities in spite of any situation you may face. Of course, this doesn’t happen overnight. Our thoughts could revert into worry and fear sometimes; that’s why we should make intentional happiness a lifelong practice. When you wake up every day, say to yourself, ” I choose to be happy.”

Engage in activities that you enjoy and make you experience the feeling of happiness. You could read a book, spend time with loved ones, or take a walk with your dog. While you’re at it, take moments to appreciate life and all the beautiful things it has to offer. 


3.  Care For Your Body

Treat your body as an investment that will serve you for life. According to Buddha ”Our body is precious. It is our vehicle for awakening. Treat it with care.”

If your body is in bad condition, it could pose an obstacle to your happiness. That’s why you should engage in physical activities that promote good health and eat foods that nourish your body. As much as possible, steer clear of junk food and ensure that whatever goes into your body is fresh and tasty.

If you feel any symptoms of sickness or unwellness, attend to it early. Managing health conditions on time can significantly reduce their impact on your body and put you on the road to a quicker recovery. Very importantly, always drink enough water to keep your body hydrated.


4.  Stay True to Your Convictions

Humans are naturally passionate beings, driven by what we believe in. If there’s a good course that you truly believe in, stay true to it. Don’t bury your passion just because other people see things differently or because they make it seem unimportant. If you do that, you may live an unhappy life centered around seeking other people’s approval.

According to Allan Lokos, ”Your actions are your only true belongings.” Your values should drive your life’s choices and guide you into choosing the right kind of friends or job. For instance, if you are strongly committed to slowing global warming, getting a job with a factory that engages in practices that are detrimental to the planet may not be the best choice. You will likely feel unhappy because you’d be working against your values.

Some people may not agree with you when you’re following your passion, but you shouldn’t let that dissuade you. Remember, everyone is unique, so embrace your uniqueness and accept the differences between you and your naysayers. Only allow those who appreciate you the way you are into your circle.



Published: 2022-04-05 19:38:36
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