How to Prevent Pimples and Get Back Your Sheen

Acne vulgaris, one of the most common skin disorders in both genders, can leave your life in jeopardy. You’ll be thinking of the whiteheads, pimples, and blackheads on your face at all times. Along with allowing yourself needless hours of stress, you’ll be wasting your time on endless anti-acne and pimple care products that may lead to more skin issues. Fortunately, there are several ways of treating acne and related issues like blemishes and scars. You need to know your exact skin type and what’s triggered off your acne bout to get the results you desire.

How to Prevent Pimples and Get Back Your Sheen

What Causes Acne?

Before starting on how to treat acne, you need to know more about the triggers that cause the same. As per dermatologists and experts, there are several ways of preventing the outbreak. Earl Hailey from Patch MD says that an easy way to decrease acne breakouts is to make sure you aren’t wearing dirty hats or clothing. By doing so, you can keep bacteria, dirt, and grime at bay. These allergens increase the intensity of pimples and acne and have to be avoided at all costs. The other factors contributing to the spread and growth of acne are:

  • Skin that produces excessive oil is the root cause of acne as it results in clogged pores
  • Dead skin buildup on the face causes the pores to get clogged and produces adverse results like pimples and scars
  • Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes), a type of bacteria, causes acne by entering the pores
  • Excessive exfoliation and scrubbing, which causes redness and inflammation, can lead to the incidence of acne by opening the pores wider

Regardless of the cause of acne diagnosed by your preferred doctor or skin care specialist, the common ways of treating acne remain the same. Given below are some helpful tips and guidelines that’ll help you treat and arrest the growth of acne on your face and elsewhere on your body. Read on to bring back your lost sheen.

How to Prevent Acne and Pimples

1. Clean your hair regularly

Any excess oil in the hair can reach your facial skin and worsen acne breakouts. Regular washing of hair may restrict the further development of pimples and acne by keeping this oil away from your hairline. In addition, it’s recommended that you keep products like hair sprays and gels away from your face during the time of application as they will block your pores and cause breakouts.

2. Never pick at pimples

Though it’s tempting to squeeze out your pimples and pick at them, the act may ruin your skin beyond repair. You may get intermittent relief from the pain caused by pimples but the scars, blemishes, and scabs that are left behind will irk you even more. You may have to deal with scarring and inflammation that’ll make matters worse. To prevent this, use clinical products or recommended anti-acne alternatives such as patches and topical ointments. These products may take a bit of time to show the results but will take away your pimples gradually.

3. Topical treatment to reduce breakouts

These days, there’s absolutely no dearth of topical solutions to prevent acne and pimples. From over-the-counter anti-pimple treatment creams and serums to specially formulated products for advanced control of acne, you can find it all. These topical treatment alternatives are helpful for the acne breakout on your nose, chin, and forehead. In most cases, these products comprise of benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. They may not be as potent or effective as prescription-strength treatments; but still, they go a long way in reducing breakouts and preventing mild acne.

4. Application of topical retinoids

Yet another method of removing the listless and dull look caused by acne lies in topical retinoids. These products comprise of medicines having vitamin A as their base. As per dermatologists, topical retinoids are very helpful for the prevention and management of acne. They remove excess dead skin cells and also bring about a reduction in skin inflammation. It is important to have a prescription in place to purchase the most topical retinoids.

5. Medication may help prevent acne breakouts

You may seek an appointment with your dermatologist to understand the benefits and use of topical medications to overcome the growth of P. acne bacteria on the skin. Erythromycin and clindamycin are some common examples of prescription drugs that can soothe the inflammation attributed to acne-causing bacteria. They help in decreasing the pain and redness caused by pimples as well.

6. Hormone pills

In certain cases, skincare specialists may advise the use of hormonal birth control treatments and pills to prevent acne. These pills serve to regulate those hormones that can worsen your acne problems. As these pills come packaged with their own side effects and risks, you may want to run through their pros and cons with your preferred dermatologist before use. Spironolactone, which is useful for treating high blood pressure, may work to arrest the growth and spread of acne. However, the side effects of Spironolactone are many so it is advisable to speak to your doctor before starting on this medication.

7. Wash your face, at least twice daily

Washing your face regularly may not be the ultimate cure for your acne and pimples. Still, it’s largely instrumental in removing the excess oil and grime that can block your pores and lead to more pimples. Along with washing your face with gentle, recommended cleansers, you must remember not to pop your pimples or pick at them to avoid scars and blemishes. Once you’ve washed your face and patted it dry with a soft towel, do not forget to apply a moisturizer to prevent your skin from becoming excessively dry. On the flip side, over-washing may bring about more dryness to your skin to aggravate acne – this is avoidable at all costs.

Way Forward with Acne

Along with adopting these tips for preventing acne breakouts, you may want to control your diet and include healthy lifestyle habits like walking in the fresh air. Remember to drink lots of water to keep yourself hydrated. Soon, you’ll find your skin becoming radian and lustrous with acne and pimples being a thing of the past.

Published: 2019-09-20 18:16:39
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