What are Some Side Effects of Long-Term Alcohol Use on the Body?

While you will not always feel the impact of alcohol on your body immediately, it begins from the moment you take the first sip of a drink. If you drink alcohol, then you are probably familiar with some of the effects of alcohol, from the warm buzz that you might feel after having a drink to the hangover that makes you wonder why you bothered drinking the next morning. Since these effects don’t usually last a long time, you might not worry too much about them, especially if you drink infrequently. However, drinking any amount of alcohol can potentially lead to unwanted health concerns, particularly in those who drink heavily. Some long-term effects of alcohol include:


What are Some Side Effects of Long-Term Alcohol Use on the Body


Liver Inflammation

The liver is an important organ that works to break down and remove toxins and other harmful substances from the body, including alcohol. Drinking alcohol over the long-term interferes with the natural process of the liver, along with increasing the risk of chronic liver inflammation and alcohol-related liver disease, which are some of the main side effects of alcohol on your liver. Chronic liver inflammation can cause cirrhosis, or scarring of the liver, which can lead to permanent damage.


Nervous System Damage

Over time, alcohol use can cause damage to the central nervous system. Drinking can cause numbness and tingling in your hands and feet, along with impacting your ability to think clearly, create long-term memories, regulate your emotions or make rational choices. Over time, heavy drinking can cause damage to the frontal lobe. This is the part of your brain that is responsible for executive functions such as social behavior, decision-making, abstract reasoning, and performance.


Digestive System Damage

While the connection between consuming alcohol and your digestive system may not always be obvious as the side effects tend to only appear once the damage has occurred, it’s important to know what drinking can do to this important system in the body. Over time, alcohol can cause damage to the tissues in your digestive tract, which prevents your intestines from successfully digesting your food and absorbing vitamins and minerals, which can lead to malnutrition.


Reproductive and Sexual Health Problems

Over time, drinking alcohol can cause problems with your sexual and reproductive health. While having a drink or two can lower your inhibitions and may be seen as a way to have more fun in the bedroom, the reality is that heavy drinking over time can have a lot of unwanted side effects on this area of your life. These include reducing your libido, preventing the production of sex hormones, erectile dysfunction, and difficulties achieving orgasm. In women, excessive drinking can also impact the menstrual cycle. Heavy drinking over time can increase the risk of infertility in both women and men. It’s always a good idea to get yourself checked if you have these difficulties at an ED Clinic Simi Valley area. 

While having a drink in moderation from time to time is unlikely to cause any lasting damage to your body, it’s important to understand how heavy or binge drinking can harm you over time. Alcohol can have a disastrous impact on every part of your body and health.

Published: 2023-01-13 17:17:25
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