How to Prevent Pests in Your Commercial Property

Commercial pest control is important to any business or commercial property. Removing the pests will ensure that you are able to keep them at bay and can ensure that your employees are customers are safe along the way. Many commercial properties will have regulations in place for their industry that will tell them how to handle pests and how to keep safe along the way. Most will agree that prevention is the best method, allowing them to prevent the pests from coming in at all and ruining their reputation.

There are different steps that you can take to prevent pests within your commercial property. Some of these include:


How to Prevent Pests in Your Commercial Property



The first line of defense will be your doors, windows, and other places that a pest can enter. Take a look at any area that a pest or rodent is able to get in, such as vents, holes in the floor, and cracks in the floor and walls. You can then go through and tightly seal up the area to help seal it up and keep the pests out. You should also consider that pests are often small enough to get in around the plumbing system or come in any time that you have the door open so be on the lookout for them all the time.


Food and Water

Everything, including rodents and insects, will need some food and water to survive. If you keep these cleaned up and out of access, then it can remove the pests. Keep in mind that pests are not going to be as picky about the food and water that they consume like humans are. They have no problem eating and drinking things that we would not even touch, so controlling food sources is all about keeping the building clean and making sure any container with food is sealed up.

When we look at the sources of water, there are many options here. This can be faulty or leaky drains, restrooms, fountains, plumbing, and condensation from the AC unit. Check for all of these to provide less drinking water to the pests.



Your overall goal here is to make the building less attractive for pests to settle down and breed. When the insects and rodents are not able to find a place to live, they will move on. Look for any areas that are small and dark as pests are likely to use these for their homes. Keep the building tidy and clean, seal off the crevices and cracks to make it harder for them to get in, and set traps in some of the darker and smaller spaces that the pests will try to get to. 

At Sprague Pest Control Solutions, we are here to help with all of your commercial pest control needs. We are proud to work with our commercial customers when it comes to rodent control and prevention or any other pest control methods that they may need. We offer a variety of services that are sure to help our customers prevent and remove rodents from their property, helping them maintain the safety and cleanliness that they need.


Published: 2022-04-22 18:48:16
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