Women’s Health Clinic Singapore: How do you relax During the Exams?

Women’s clinics specialize in providing comprehensive and specialized care related to women’s reproductive and overall health. That said, the services you can expect in a good women’s health clinic in Singapore include;

  • Gynecological examinations
  • Family planning
  • Prenatal care, and
  • Menopause management

Women’s health clinics may also focus on preventive screenings. Gynecologists are the medical specialists you can expect to find in a women’s clinic. Stay on this page to read more on the exams you may get at a good women’s clinic in Singapore and discuss tips to relax during the assessments.


Womens Health Clinic Singapore How do you relax During the Exams


What Kind of Test does a Gynecologist do?

There are several tests you can get on your visit to a women’s clinic in Singapore. The specific tests that may be recommended for you will depend on factors like your risk factors to certain conditions or sexually transmitted diseases but generally include;

  • Pap smears to screen for cervical cancer
  • Pelvic exams to check reproductive health
  • Breast exams for potential abnormalities
  • STI screenings to ensure sexual well-being and
  • Ultrasounds to examine the reproductive organs,

How do you relax during a Gynecological Exam?

It is natural to experience some panic during your gynecological exams at the women’s clinic in Singapore. From anxiety due to potential discomfort or past negative experiences, and embarrassment or feelings of vulnerability, there are varied factors that may trigger panic.

But to ensure accurate and thorough examinations, it is important that you stay calm during the examinations. Staying relaxed will not only allow your gynecologists to perform the needed tests with precision but also minimize discomfort and anxiety for you during the exams. With that in mind, here are ten tips to relax during a gynecological exam;

       I.            Familiarize Yourself with the Clinic Environment

The first thing you will want to do to ease tension during a women’s clinic visit is to familiarize yourself with the clinic surroundings beforehand. Understand the layout, check-in process, and where the examination will occur.

This can help you minimize uncertainty to ensure a more relaxed experience. Feel free to ask the clinic staff for information you may need.

    II.            Communicate Openly with Healthcare Providers

Share any concerns, anxieties, or past experiences that may impact your emotional well-being. Transparent dialogue ensures that healthcare providers are aware of your specific needs.

Ideally, it is the key to forging a collaborative approach to care with the specialists. If you feel heard and understood, it gets easy to establish trust which is an essential element in promoting relaxation during potentially sensitive examinations.

 III.            Bring a Supportive Companion

You can also request a supportive friend or family member to accompany you to the women’s clinic. Having someone so close to you during the exams can significantly enhance your emotional comfort.

Their presence can provide a familiar anchor in an otherwise clinical setting. It also provides emotional support during the waiting period.

 IV.            Practice Deep Breathing Techniques

Deep breathing may also help with relaxation at your women’s clinic in Singapore. You may want to try low, deliberate breathing to activate your body’s relaxation response and calm the nervous system. Before and during the examination, focusing on deep, rhythmic breathing can help center the mind, and reduce anxiety.

    V.            Schedule Appointments during Less Stressful Times

It is best to schedule your appointments during less stressful times. With this, we mean avoiding peak hours or busy periods to minimize waiting times and reduce the overall rush associated with appointments.

You can allocate moments of calm for your clinic visit and approach the experience with a more composed and focused mindset. This approach not only contributes to your well-being during the appointment but also extends the positive impact by incorporating stress reduction into your broader schedule.

 VI.            Bring Comfort Items

Another hack to help you relax during exams at your women’s clinic in Singapore is to have your comfort items close. This is important as bringing personal comfort items to the women’s clinic helps create a more soothing environment.

Whether it’s a favorite book, comforting music on headphones, or a cozy shawl, these items provide a sense of familiarity and control. Having personal belongings during the waiting period or the examination itself offers a tangible connection to your comfort zone.

This cannot only enhance your overall experience. It can also empower you to actively shape your immediate surroundings to ensure relaxation during what can be a potentially anxiety-inducing time.

VII.            Understand the Examination Procedures

A key element in relaxation during a women’s clinic visit is understanding the examination procedures. You may need to familiarize yourself with each step of the process.

This can help you understand the experience and reduce anxiety associated with the unknown. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a Pap smear or a breast examination.

Knowing what to expect can help you to mentally prepare. To help with this, ask your healthcare provider for detailed explanations before and during the examination.

VIII.            Request Explanation During the Exam

Requesting a detailed explanation of each step during the exam further promotes relaxation. Communicate with your healthcare provider about your preference for continuous updates on the procedures being performed.

When you feel informed about the process, you may feel more at home at the clinic. This can contribute to an overall atmosphere of trust and relaxation during your visit to the women’s clinic in Singapore.

 IX.            Choose a Female Healthcare Provider if Preferred

If working with a female doctor aligns with your comfort level opting for a female gynecologist is a valid request. Feeling at ease with your healthcare provider is crucial for relaxation during a women’s clinic visit.

This is especially important during intimate examinations. Since a provider with whom you feel comfortable encourages open communication a good women’s clinic in Singapore should be able to accommodate this request.

    X.            Establish a Post-Exam Routine for Self-Care

In regards to establishing a post-exam routine for self-care, you can plan activities that bring comfort and joy. This can range from indulging in a favorite snack, engaging in a calming activity, or simply taking a moment to reflect.

The Bottom Line

Your visits to the women’s clinic in Singapore shouldn’t be tinged with fear and stress. If you feel panic, try the tips we’ve outlined above to help you relax. Beyond that, feel free to seek the guidance of your gynecologist.

We understand how visits to the women’s clinic can be somehow uneasy, especially if you’re visiting the clinic for the first time. Because of that, we’ve put in place several necessary measures to ensure that you have the best experience in our clinics. To see how we can help or schedule your appointment, call or visit us at;

Dr Ben Medical @ Raffles / Tanjong Pagar

SBF Center Medical Suites

160 Robinson Road

#03-09 SBF Center Medical Suites

Singapore 068914


+65 888 12344

+65 888 12344

Published: 2024-04-01 15:37:27
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